Mikko Hypponen gives a basic summary of computer viruses

Customers often ask why computer viruses are made or why an anti-virus sometimes isn’t enough.  This brief interview will help answer that.   I submit any undetected viruses to F-secure because in my experience they take their job very seriously.  I remember there was a time when Norton wouldn’t allow me to submit a virus without a 24 hour delay.

I remember dealing with Mikko Hypponen in Dec 2005 when I ran into a seriously dangerous wmf exploit.  This was one of those very rare situations where a picture file virus was possible.  You didn’t have to open any file,  just viewing a website that had one there would be enough to infect you.  When I reported the exploit to F-secure, Mikko Hypponen responded to me directly.  Mikko can really get the word out quick!  Word about the exploit was all over the internet within a few hours.  Chances are you never even heard of the wmf exploit of 2005 and you can thank Mikko Hypponen for that!


  1. […] have already mentioned Mikko Hypponen in a previous blog post mikko hypponen gives a basic summary of computer viruses.  This particular video goes into more detail.  Interestingly enough he used the wmf virus I sent […]

  2. I watch this video and really impressed to heard Mr.Mikko. He has explained basic summary about computer virus. I am sure that nobody can explain like MR. Mikko. I will prefer to him for his great knowledge.

  3. Yes,that’s true why viruses are made and after wards attacking our computer,so disappointing.

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